1. Development of a country depends on the active participation of every citizen. Bangladesh expects that __________________.

DiB 22

2. I have never been suspicious of his honesty. I have always believed _________ .

SB 19

3. He confessed that _________ . So, I forgave him.

DhB 17

4. Female education is a crying need for our country. It is a good sign that nowadays _________ .

DhB 17

5. Female education is a crying need for our country. It is a good sign that nowadays _________ .

ChB 16

6. He confessed that _________ . So, I forgave him.

SB 16

1. Development of a country depends on the active participation of every citizen. Bangladesh  expects that every citizen will actively participate in its development.

2. I have never been suspicious of his honesty. I have always believed that he is a very honest man.

3. He confessed that he was guilty. So, I forgave him.

4. Female education is a crying need for our country. It is a good sign that nowadays women are getting educated.

5. Female education is a crying need for our country. It is a good sign that nowadays women are getting educated.

6. He confessed that he was guilty. So, I forgave him.