Ex. 22.2 – Exercises on ‘As soon as’


a) Give me your address. I will send the documents _________________.

DiB 22

b) Last night I did not have a sound. sleep I feel sleepy _________ .

JB 17

c) I will give him the message as soon as _________ .

BB 16

d) The thief stole my watch and I saw it. As soon as I saw him, _____ .

DiB 16

e) She’ll start studying as soon as_____________.



Ex. 22.2: Exercises on ‘As soon as’

a) Give me your address. I will send the documents as soon as I can.

DiB 22

b) Last night I did not have a sound sleep I feel sleepy as soon as I start watching TV.

JB 17

c) I will give him the message as soon as I see him.

BB 16

d) The thief stole my watch and I saw it. As soon as I saw him, I went after him.

DiB 16

e) She’ll start studying as soon as she finishes her dinner.