Ex. 21- Exercises on ‘As long as’

a)    Wait for me. Don’t go there as long as ____________.         MaB 18

b)    You can use my computer as long as _________.

c)    I’ll support you as long as _________.

d)    He’ll keep practicing as long as_________.

e)    I’ll keep going to the gym as long as _________.


Ex. 21 – Exercises on ‘As long as’


a) Wait for me. Don’t go there as long as I continue my meeting.                      MaB 18

b) You can use my computer as long as you don’t delete any important files.

c) I’ll support you as long as you’re honest with me.

d) He’ll keep practicing as long as he improves his skills.

e) I’ll keep going to the gym as long as I see progress.